Toxic “Forever Chemicals” Pose Negative Health Effects

For the past thirty years, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) has manufactured fertilizer that contains “forever chemicals.” These toxins pose a serious threat to human health and lack the capacity to degrade over time.

History of Forever Chemicals 

The MWRA distributes fertilizer, which comes in the form of pellets, that is made from sewer sludge. Instead of ending up in the Boston Harbor or a landfill, sewage waste is treated in a facility where it can ultimately become something useful. The end result is a mixture of nutrient-rich biosolids, which can be applied to crops to promote plant growth.

The fertilizer is sold to communities and can end up anywhere from gardens to golf courses to massive commercial farms where our food is grown. While it initially seemed like a miracle (our waste could be reduced while simultaneously increasing crop production), this product is far from perfect. Researchers have found that there is a catch to this seemingly great deal.

Effects of Forever Chemicals 

This fertilizer contains extremely high levels of PFAS, or “forever chemicals,” which are extremely toxic and cannot be broken down by the environment. These forever chemicals are man-made and are present in everyday items, such as non-stick cookware; water-repellent clothing; cosmetics; and paints. Exposure to PFAS can result in a multitude of issues, including:

  • Kidney and liver issues
  • High cholesterol
  • Low birth weight
  • Decreased fertility
  • Immune system changes
  • Increased risk of cancer.

Because PFAS never degrade, they accumulate inside the food chain and our bodies over time. The concentration of PFAS is steadily increasing over time and we are only now beginning to see the detrimental effects of these forever chemicals.

So, What’s Being Done?

While the EPA does regulate the concentration of PFAS is some respects, it does not successfully regulate the concentration of PFAS in fertilizer.

So just how bad is it?

In Massachusetts, the Department of Environmental Protection is required to notify the public when the concentration of PFAS reaches 70 parts per trillion or higher in the water supply. Yet, fertilizer made from sewer sludge contains a PFAS concentration of 18,000 parts per trillion. This incredibly high concentration can negatively affect those handling the fertilizer as well as those consuming crops grown with this product.

You might be wondering: if this is so bad for our health, why do we use it?

Today’s climate crisis has spurred a growing popularity in ecofriendly and natural fertilizers. One problem with this is that consumers possess misconceptions regarding what, exactly, is good for the environment.

Many believe that fertilizer derived from biosolids is an ecofriendly alternative to traditional fertilizer, but it simply isn’t. Not only are PFAS-containing fertilizers harmful to humans, but biosolids are also harmful to the environment. This summer, Florida officials suspected that algae blooms in Lake Okeechobee resulted from the use of biosolids on surrounding farmland. You can read more about this here.

Finding the Right Fertilizer

It can be difficult to find a fertilizer that meets your plants’/crops’ needs while adhering to your morals. Those who seek ecofriendly options have trouble discerning the difference between natural and ecofriendly, often falling for buzzwords that can be misleading.

Organic fertilizers are those that originate from a natural source, such as plant or animal matter. Biosolids and manure would fall into this category. Just because they are organic, however, this doesn’t mean they are ecofriendly. No matter which fertilizer you use, if you use it incorrectly, then you can hurt the environment. Using too much fertilizer can lead to runoff and polluted water resources, algae blooms, and even greenhouse gas formations. Finding a fertilizer that is natural and easy to use is key to helping the environment.

Ecofriendly xVital

xVital is a liquid fertilizer made of two ingredients: nitrate and water. It contains no salts or chemicals, including forever chemicals. Thus, it is safe for both the environment and people.

In addition, our fertilizer is created using a process that mimics the earth’s natural nitrate formation process. In the natural world, nitrate is created when lightning strikes, producing enough energy to transform gaseous nitrogen into liquid nitrate for plants to use. The engineers at xVirity mimicked this process by creating a machine that can perform the same function. Thus, our fertilizer is completely natural.

When you apply xVital to your plants, their roots soak up the liquid directly. There is no runoff pollution. We have even designed an online ratio calculator, which allows you to measure exactly how much fertilizer you need to meet your plants’ needs. Thus, you will never use too much fertilizer.

xVital is the only truly ecofriendly fertilizer on the market. If you support action against climate change and desire a fertilizer that is safe for humans, then switch to xVital today.




Fertilizers Spread Forever Chemicals Across the U.S. 

Forever Chemicals: Massachusetts Fertilizer