About xVital


Keep it Simple

Why is xVital better than other fertilizers? xVirity’s patented plasma technology uses an electromagnetic field, so unlike conventional fertilizers, it’s not bound or attached to salt. This means a better harvest—and a better environment. You can learn more about xVital’s affect on plant growth and the environment here.

Keep it Clean

Conventional nitrogen fertilizers–such as ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate, and calcium nitrate–possess high salt contents and can make the medium acidic. Additionally, they leave residual salt levels in hydroponic nutrient solutions or soil, which can reduce germination; prevent absorption of adequate water by seeds, plants, and tree roots; and weaken growth, even killing the vegetation. xVital is better than other fertilizers because it is a clean fertilizer. It contains virtually no salt, giving plants better water absorption, seed germination, and plant growth.

Keep it Balanced

pH is a major factor in plants’ uptake of essential nutrient ions. Used as a pH downer, xVital can help you adjust the pH of your solution to the optimal range.

Another benefit of using xVital is that, unlike other nitrogen-based fertilizers, our fertilizer will not acidify your soil. When you add ammonium-nitrate–a popular nitrogen-based fertilizer–to the soil, it must undergo nitrification. During this process, soil bacteria convert ammonium to nitrate, releasing hydrogen, which acidifies the soil. In addition to this, when plant roots absorb ammonium-nitrate, they, too, release hydrogen in an attempt to maintain charge balance across cell wall membranes.

Soil acidity is detrimental to plant growth and soil health. Acidic soil possesses greater concentrations of manganese and aluminum, which impair root growth. Without healthy, longer roots, plants cannot absorb essential nutrients. Additionally, acidic soils deplete colonies of microbial bacteria, which are responsible for breaking down organic matter.

xVital does not need to be converted to nitrate because the nitrogen is already available in this form; therefore, it will not acidify your soil!


Use it When Your Plants Need it Most

  • During nitrate uptake cycle
  • For seed germination and root propagation
  • To replenish plant growth and color due to nitrogen deficiency
  • Foliar injectors, drip, and surface irrigation
  • Root rot treatment and prevention
  • Growth activity in tissue culture laboratory
  • Nursery production


How it Works

xVital easily disperses into water to create a fertilizing solution that complements your current plant care regimen.

Add one (1) part xVital to fifteen (15) parts water to make fertilizing solution.

Depending on your plant’s nitrogen requirements, other xVital-to-water solution ratios may be used, not to exceed a ratio of one (1) part xVital to one (1) part water.

Ratio Calculator

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Sample Applications

Some ways you can use xVital